About Us
Stress Less Clinic® Registration of Trade Marks no. 2017/00905 STRESS LESS CLINIC class 44 South Africa.
Our simple idea was to start a practice that would positively impact the lives of others: Our team consists of highly skilled and certified practitioners specializing in their fields of expertise. We provide cutting-edge interventions, mentoring, and consulting solutions to organizations. Our most recent and successful project is the Human Spaceship Project HSP©️ and the SDW Codes©️
Stress Less Clinic® recognizes the need for interventions, coaching, mentoring, and consulting to individuals and organizations to cope with and manage their stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma challenges. Neurosciences are the backbone of our understanding of the human brain and its role in body functioning, leading to neuroplasticity for treatment solutions such as PNI Psychoneuroimmunology.
Stress Less Clinic® hosts interactive interventions, workshops, and lectures and publishes articles of interest.
Stress Less Clinic® provides niche technological coaching and mentoring sessions in Technostressology®: Technostress, Techno-addiction, and Techno-neuroplasticity. We practice the New Science of Stress in our interventions, workshops, and sessions, offering practical, authentic methods and solutions that can be easily implemented.
Stress Less Clinic® is a proud lab member of the prestigious UCLA Laboratory for Stress Assessment and Research and an accredited Life Stress Test user, ensuring the highest standards of quality and credibility in our services.
" We help you to grow your potential."